Saturday, July 17, 2010


There are two types of Typhoid fever.

- Enteric Fever - Human Typhoid - Caused by Salmonella typhi (H) Bacteria- not so common now a days, many times wrongly diagnosed with mild positive results, with no criteria applied. Usually prolonged fever for two to three weeks with positive Widal O titre above 400 or a raising titre.

Usual spread from one person to another by oro-faecal contamination, by poor hygiene of food handlers, sewage contamination of water source, drinking raw milk and poor personal hygiene

- Paratyphoid fever - fever caused by Salmonella typhi which usually affects specifically the fish, or beef, goat, chicken etc , by eating them undercooked infected food, even taking raw eggs.

People had been dying and developing serious complications of Human typhoid 2 decades ago.

Now this is rare of the consciousness of people, better sanitation, and improved medications available.

But Paratyphoid is still common and fever limits to 5days to 7days max

Symptoms, signs, blood test results are very different in both the typhoid fevers

Prevention - Personal hygiene to be ensured.

Eating well cooked hot, freshly prepared food particularly in Non-Veg food

Sanitation - sewage contamination, exposure of water sources to animals etc.

- Vaccination - Vi typhi vaccine injection - Protection for 3yrs.

- Typhoral capsules - 1year protection.

-- Dr. Sivakumar MD

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